Aims of Social Housing

  1. Restoring and furthering human dignity and citizenship
  2. Integrated development planning and funding alignment;
  3. Quality products and environments responsive to the demand of the target community;
  4. Inner city regeneration and rental housing provision
  5. Formalising housing delivery and creating a stepping stone to ownership of a 3rd party house someday

Social housing has shown to be able to significantly address concerns around urban regeneration and improve housing densities. It clearly contributes to sustainable development, especially when location, integration, viability and sustainability are carefully considered. It has shown to promote the effective and efficient management of rental and/or collective forms of accommodation (with emphasis on long term management and maintenance) and stimulated an economic contribution by way of regular payments to local authorities for services provided. The sector is showing an ability to facilitate local economic development through supporting local economies and stimulating a fiscal benefit that exceeds public sector investment in housing. Therefore, the macro objectives of promoting citizenship, democracy and good governance are contributed to by social housing.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Rental Accommodation?

Advantages of Renting

  • Rental agreements are known and discussed upfront
  • Can leave at any time with no struggles of having to first sell.
  • A good option for people who are mobile and are not intending to settle in one place
  • Monthly rent is cheaper than the bond repayment on a house.
  • You do not have to pay taxes, only your monthly services fees for water and electricity.
  • You share the responsibility of maintenance with the SHI.
  • You can give notice when you want to move out, and do not have to find someone to take over your rental payment in order to leave.
  • You are free to leave at any time (within the limits of the lease), and are not tied down to bond repayments.

Disadvantages of Renting

  • No ownership at all
  • Alterations and money spent for improvements may not be compensated.
  • The landlord may terminate your contract and you end with no place to stay.
  • You do not become a legal owner of property.
  • You cannot use the unit as security for a bank loan.
  • You always need the institution’s approval for any changes you want to make to your unit – you cannot just do what you like.
  • You cannot sell the unit to make a profit.

Living in an SHI, what happens if I am unable to pay?

It is very important that you do not ignore the problem. You will have to contact SHI management as soon as possible. Unless you inform management of your problem of not being able to pay the rent and service charges due, they will:

Institute normal default procedures to make sure that you pay the rent due to them.

If you do not pay for water & electricity, the service provider will disconnect these services until you pay all your arrears.

In extreme circumstances the housing institution can follow legal eviction procedures and proceedings against you. Legal proceedings can only follow after obtaining a ruling or an order of court of law.

Paying for rent and services like electricity & water is a high priority for anyone living in a SHI. You will also have to save for emergencies, like medical expenses, increase in rent and repairs. Emergencies are not monthly expenses, but when they occur they need extra money and they can be costly.

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